Hello, I have a problem that nothing I have seems to explain...
I have a linux box running on an Asus P2B-S motherboard with 32 meg of
memory, Celeron 300a, Diamond Stealth 2000 video card (Pci with standard S3
chipset.), 8 Gig hard drive, LinkSys 10/100 Network card and a CD rom.
I have Linux Mandrake 6.1 installed on my machine and am trying to get it to
work on my network.

My original plans were to get this Linux box up and running as a Server for
my 2 Win 98Se machines. Internet server as well. I recompiled the kernal
(2.2.13) with the tulip driver included with the network card. I was able to
get into the Linux Config utility from the KDE desktop. At the time It
showed as one of four adaptors and said it was inactive. I told it to be
active upon boot and to activate it at that time.
I then later tried to get into it and it would no longer show it as one of
the adaptors and only showed four adaptors. I did NOT add an IP address to
the card at the time. (The other three "adaptor" slots are empty)
The card is recognized when Linux first boots up and the eth0 shows up in my
/Proc directory.

What do I need to do to make it show up on my net work?
I currently have my Win98se machines setup as peer to peer and see no reason
to change that. I currently am using the Win98se internet sharing but I have
to have my main win 98 machine online to use it. I would much rather get
linux up and running full time and let it connect when necissary and then no
longer use internet sharing with my win98Se machine. Eventually I expect to
put my system on the net when I can do so cheaply.
I am assuming the SAMBA utilities will get me there and I am sure its
something real simple to setup. Without swimming through tons of man pages
etc can someone tell me what I need to do to get it to recognize and be
recognized on my network?

I should also be able to use the net from my linux machine at the moment
through my Win98se machine with internet sharing active shouldn't I?
I may get my linux machine hooked up to my ISP tomorrow so I can try linking
up that way as well.

I also tried changing my HOSTNAME but I did it from within linux config and
it doesnt seem to like it much. Says something about unknown name HOSTNAME =
myhost.com. Just trying to change the name the machine has.
Thanks for any help!

I used to run Linux way back before it was a 1.0 version and it sure has
come a long way. Eventually I expect to have numerous computers on my little
network. (well one for every member of my family and extra hookups for those
nights friends come over and wanna play games etc.)

Thanks again.


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