I am typing from my win 98 machine so I will likely abreviate where I think
I can..

Calibrating delay loop ... 299.83 bogoMIPS
... (I think its fast enough.. ;)
Linux NET 4.0 for Linux 2.2
Net4: Unix domain sockets 1.0 for Linux Net4.0.
Net4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
Initializing RT Netlink socket
Starting kswapd v 1.5
tulip.c:v0.90f 12/17/98 Originally written by [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Driver Modified for Linksys LNE100TX FAST Ethernet PCI Adapter on 1/13/99
eth0: PNIC II at 0xb800, 00 a0 cc e3 47 dd, IRQ 11.
eth0: EEPROM default media type 10baseT.

I believe that is all the pertanent information it had when I typed dmesg at
the kde terminal window.

The log file doesnt have anything in it that seems interesting except the
modprobe: can't locate module devpts
network: bringing up interface lo succeeded
portmap: portmap startup succeeded
modprobe: can't locate module devpts
mount: mount: fs type devpts not supported by kernel
Mounting other filesystems failed

named: zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" (file named.local): no default TTL set
using SOA minimun instead
named: master zone "0.0127.in-addr.arpa" (IN) loaded (serial ##########)
named: listening on [].53 (lo)
named: Forwarding source address is [].1024
named: named startup succeeded
named: ready  to answer quieries.
named: sysquery: sendto ([].53): Network is unreachable
amd: no networks.
amd: My ip addr is 0x7f000001
amd: released controlling tty using setsid()
amd: creating autofs service listener
amd: file server localhost type local starts up
amd: NIS domain name is not set. NIS ignored.
amd: /etc/amd.conf mounted fstype toplvl on /net
amd: amd startup succeeded
smb: smbd startup succeeded
smb: nmbd startup succeeded

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cameron Kerr" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 10:48 PM
Subject: RE: [newbie] New install... Network problems

> What is the output of dmesg?
> also /var/log/messages might offer some help.
> You might also try using linuxconf to set hostname
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rodney Fulk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, 8 February 2000 4:22pm
> Subject: [newbie] New install... Network problems
> Hello, I have a problem that nothing I have seems to explain...
> I have a linux box running on an Asus P2B-S motherboard with 32 meg of
> memory, Celeron 300a, Diamond Stealth 2000 video card (Pci with standard
> chipset.), 8 Gig hard drive, LinkSys 10/100 Network card and a CD rom.
> I have Linux Mandrake 6.1 installed on my machine and am trying to get it
> work on my network.
> My original plans were to get this Linux box up and running as a Server
> my 2 Win 98Se machines. Internet server as well. I recompiled the kernal
> (2.2.13) with the tulip driver included with the network card. I was able
> get into the Linux Config utility from the KDE desktop. At the time It
> showed as one of four adaptors and said it was inactive. I told it to be
> active upon boot and to activate it at that time.
> I then later tried to get into it and it would no longer show it as one of
> the adaptors and only showed four adaptors. I did NOT add an IP address to
> the card at the time. (The other three "adaptor" slots are empty)
> The card is recognized when Linux first boots up and the eth0 shows up in
> /Proc directory.
> What do I need to do to make it show up on my net work?
> I currently have my Win98se machines setup as peer to peer and see no
> to change that. I currently am using the Win98se internet sharing but I
> to have my main win 98 machine online to use it. I would much rather get
> linux up and running full time and let it connect when necissary and then
> longer use internet sharing with my win98Se machine. Eventually I expect
> put my system on the net when I can do so cheaply.
> I am assuming the SAMBA utilities will get me there and I am sure its
> something real simple to setup. Without swimming through tons of man pages
> etc can someone tell me what I need to do to get it to recognize and be
> recognized on my network?
> I should also be able to use the net from my linux machine at the moment
> through my Win98se machine with internet sharing active shouldn't I?
> I may get my linux machine hooked up to my ISP tomorrow so I can try
> up that way as well.
> I also tried changing my HOSTNAME but I did it from within linux config
> it doesnt seem to like it much. Says something about unknown name HOSTNAME
> myhost.com. Just trying to change the name the machine has.
> Thanks for any help!
> I used to run Linux way back before it was a 1.0 version and it sure has
> come a long way. Eventually I expect to have numerous computers on my
> network. (well one for every member of my family and extra hookups for
> nights friends come over and wanna play games etc.)
> Thanks again.

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