Hello Andrew,
        I just went thru the same for my NT drive (hda1)
Added to the /etc/fstab
the following line:
/dev/hda1  /nt40  ntfs    defaults  0 0

didn't work!
I made a directory under /
called /nt40

duh ... o well live and learn.

God Bless,

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"Hill, Andrew" wrote:
> I need a little help!
> I wanted to gain access to my windows drives, hda1 and hda5/6, as a
> normal user. I asked for advice and received some which suggested adding
> a new user group and allowing this group access to the hda1/5/6. I did
> this using linuxconf, this resulted in adding the new group and adding
> the permissions to access the drives. That worked, however, when I
> rebooted I am told that the fstab file is invalid or non-functional. But
> it worked after the first change. I am new to Linux, therefore as an old
> windows user I backed up the fstab file to fstab2, in the same
> directory, /etc. Can I re-invoke this fstab2 file, edit the fstab new or
> what ? Suggestions.
> Dr Andrew J Hill
> Department of Anaesthesia
> Royal Sussex County Hospital
> Brighton
> BN2 5BE
> 01273 609060

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