Dear All,

I've tried till I'm blue in the face to upgrade the 7.0 CDROM I made from
the ISO iamge that took me 36 hours in total to D/L (18 sessions) I DON'T
want to D/L 7.02!!

I have managed to make the CD bootable with CDROM.IMG (using Nero). Ihave
hacked the \Mandrake\base\hdlist and deplist files to change the reference
to drakxtools-1.0-44mdk.i586.rpm

Nomatter what I do the second stage loader refuses to recognise the CD as
bieng a Mandrake CD. It doesn't matter what I call it, what the publisher is
or anything. I've turned Joliet off etc., etc., (note the disk is being file
copied from a working bootable 7.0 under win98 with the addition of the
cdrom.img boot image)



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