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Subject: Re: PCI modems with Linux?
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 01:09:02 -0500
From: paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> I and my friend have a problem with Linux. In some documents we 
> read that PCI modems can not be used, because of the structure 
> of Linux. Searched some sources, we couldn't find any usable info 
> about this, so please help! Both my friend and I have 56k PCI 
> Rockewell compatible modems (no winmodems) without any Linux-
> relate thing. I'd like to ask some kind of short tutorial about how to 
> install the needed software-pieces and what steps to follow for a 
> functional internet-connection.
> Sorry, if this is a boring question. In this case, please anyone who 
> answer, do it to my own addres.
> Thank you.
AFAIK, there are PCI modems that work under Linux with no special configuration. See 
http://www.math.sunysb.edu/~comech/tools/PCImodems.html for more information. 
According to the documentation there, it is possible that your modem is Linux 
compatable (a real modem as oposed to a software modem).

Best of luck!  

WinModems > /dev/null!


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