OK, somebody else gave me an idea which I got one step further with my
problem by suggesting that i switch it from CRTS???? - > xon/xoff mode which
mde it go one step firther, by saying "initializaing modem" and then
hanging.  Do you have any ideas?


----- Original Message -----
From: Joseph S. Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Running PPP Dialer / Config

> "ChOPpY C. Chipper" wrote:
> > Hey, I JUST installed Liinux 7.0 - 2
> > Been working on getting the damn thing to boot up w/o an LI error(argh!)
> >
> > well, anyway, my problem is that I don't have any idea on how to do
> > anything, manuals don't help much, because they don't explain how to do
> > something in enough detail!
> >
> > So my 1st task, is to try out the PPP dial-up, so I run KPPP  from the
> > desktop.  when I hit connect it says "modem is busy".  How do I go about
> > fixing this is my question, I don't know what the modem config. tool is
> > called, so I can't run it (or know the names of any other config.
> > so what is it called and how does work?  Also, is there a help file w/
> > names of the tools and how to use them?  This would be really helpful,
> > becuase then I can run tutorials from the Linux OS, as oppose to
> > hem
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Julien Dumoulin-Smith
> OTAY, I can help this one.
> FIRST, is the modem an Winmodem, HCF or any brand of "software modem"?  If
> then stand back and prepare to buy another 'cuz it ain't gonna work.
> need one that allows you to set the interupts manually or an external that
> plugs into a com port.  BTW, most PCI modems are Winmodems.
> Second, now that you've got a modem that works when you go into kppp and
> up the modem you are aware that com ports are numbered rather strangely in
> *nix world ( don't mean to insult your inteligence but you don't indicate
> whether or not you're aware of the fact, so no insult intended it's just
> easier than assuming too much ).  Com1 => /ttyS0  Com2 =>
> ttyS1, etc.  Once you select a modem port you'll be able to test it by
doing a
> modem query ( all this is done from various screens within the kppp
dialer ).
> The first step is most likely your problem and the second will usually
> it, there various other settings we can adjust once you get these working
> help speed up your connection but for now one thing at a time.
> Cheers,
> Joseph S. Gardner
> Senior Designer / Technical Support
> Kirby Co.,  Cleveland, OH
> Linux is like a wigwam...
> No windows, no gates.
> Apache inside

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