Works fine in Mandrake 6.1.

Audrey Beck wrote:
> Dave wrote:
> >
> > I tried changing (in the BIOS), the eth0 to IRQ 3...and when I went back to
> > linux, ide0 had changed with there some other way to change IRQs
> > then?
> > thx
> > -Dave
> I have the same type of thing.  I thought it was just me and
> understanding a new system.  My ethernet card and video card want to
> share the same IRQ no matter what.  I disabled the IRQ for the video
> card and they just both changed to a different IRQ, but both the same
> one (per windows and linux only shows the ethernet card, so no X for
> me).  The video is onboard and ethernet card is PCI (I tried switching
> PCI slots too).  This is on an IBM 300GL system and Red Hat 6.1.  I
> haven't tried Mandrake on the IBM system because I am waiting for my 7.x
> cd.  I'll try Mandrake 6.1 and see what it does with it and report back.
> Your IDE is onboard and the ethernet is PCI.  What system are you
> running this on?  Someone else on the list was reporting a problem with
> video on an IBM 300PL. Maybe it's the same as my problem?

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