'evening all,

Something doesn't seem to be working out right for me here...

What I have is a need to run a test setup of name-based virtual hosts in
Apache. I used to know how to do this in IIS, but Apache is just that much

My computer, for all namesake, is located on the Internet at sbalmos.yi.org and
as such has a dynamic IP address (that's why I'm using yi :D). I have YI set up
to forward all *.sbalmos.yi.org address to sbalmos.yi.org

What I need is to have sbalmos.yi.org point to my main site in /home/httpd/html,
while the address magazine.sbalmos.yi.org point to /home/httpd/html/test

A need for a local DNS server is not needed, as that's by YI... I've already
checked Apache's logs and the full magazine.sbalmos.yi.org address is passed in
the HTTP header. So... I need to figure this all out...

I set up the following:

<VirtualHost sbalmos.yi.org>
ServerName sbalmos.yi.org
ServerRoot /home/httpd/html

<VirtualHost sbalmos.yi.org>
ServerName magazine.sbalmos.yi.org
ServerRoot /home/httpd/html/test

If I have just the one concerning magainze.sbalmos.yi.org typed in, then all
addresses (not just magazine) point to that directory. If I have either just the
first by itself, OR BOTH, typed in... Then it only points to the first web, no
matter what.

What gives? Where am I messing up?


Scott Balmos

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