On Fri, 25 Feb 2000, you wrote:
> I too have a CD-ROM & a CD-burner, and Mandrake 7 recognises both, but
> does not allow a mount on the burner - it complains of an invalid format
> or bad disk or something like that.
> I had both reading under my old Mandrake 6 install, but the ver    7
> install assignes the burner to an ide-scsi device & I think that might
> be the problem.

I was having this problem also. It seems that I could mount as root after a
fresh boot, but not as a user. Once the drive was mounted by root, other users
could mount also. Seems that the ide-scsi module was not being loaded.

Try doing an "insmod ide-scsi"  right after booting, then see if you can mount
the disk as user. If that works create an initrd and add it to lilo

> Any ideas???
(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

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