Am Don, 03 Apr 2036 schrieben Sie:
> Well to begin with you will NEVER, EVER hear an ISP say it was their
> is ALWAYS the clients, they will blame anything and
> everything...but themselves.  As far as I know..once you have connected to the
> 'Net...your system is like anyone elses while surfing, ie:modem, multimedia,
> doesn't matter.  Also since most of the protocols/file structures
> used on the Net are based on UNIX, there should be better compatibility.
> As long as there are no problems with you modem setup, it is like any other
> modem.  As for the disconnects, there are Linux similar programs for RESUMING
> d/l's, I saw a bunch of them yesterday( similar to BulletProofFTP, CuteFTP,
> etc...), on one of the RPM sites..(sorry I forget which one...I was site
> hopping), you may be able to finish the d/l or maybe not...(not sure because
> you didn't START the d/l with it).  Also there are many reasons for getting
> dropped from your ISP..UNLESS you can state that EVERY 10 mins ( or
> whatever)you get dropped.  As for ISP's yes some are better than
> other' to friends ask who they use... also look into some of the free
> providers...they can serve as a backup.  
> I would like to do that...but I have cable, and when I install my jumpered
> C.L. 56K takes over on my internet connection.
> Sorry for my long windedness...:)

Doellbachstraße 15
34127 Kassel

Joerg Reinhardt

Do those download managers work in the background together with N.N. or are
there standalone programs themselves?? (easier to find in the net, knowing
this, cause I found things..., but my english is not good enought to find out
wheather it is, what I'm searching for)

What about getting more than one IP-address, please correct me if I'm wrong:
As far as I understood most domains (such as do have more then
one IP-address (such as 123.45.678.90) to route from?? So knowing more than one
IP-address, of my providers domain, would prevent me from being thrown out
the net, when that special host, the one wich number I'm using to connect, would
brake down???
Did I get that right, or did I completely missunderstood the whole ISP-thing?

I would be pleased to be enlightened by one of you about this Subject, to make
a better choice of ISP next time.



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