> Sam Junge wrote:
> Sorry for making this so long, but I wanted to make sure I included
> all the details, so please take the time to read it :
>  I bought Mandrake Linux 7.0, which came with a version of
> PartitionMagic as part of the "extra's" cd. I installed Partition and
> BootMagic on my NEW Windows 98 computer, then installed Linux. I felt
> I
> did not do the best job of installing Linux, so I decided to delete
> the
> partition I created. There was an option in the PartitionMagic folder
> to start a dos program that would delete my Linux partition. I did so,
> and when the computer re-booted the program came up, and I followed
> the
> directions to delete the partition.  I assumed it had worked, but when
> the computer came up again, the partition was deleted but it would go
> into that same PartitionMagic dos program and give me a window to
> click
> ok that said "The Linux Parititon could not be deleted. That operating
> system partition was not found." When I click ok it reboots and does
> the same thing. WHAT SHOULD I DO???? I tried getting fdisk,
> autoexec.bat and a few other things from a different win98 computer
> and
> putting them on a disk. I also did a sys a: from another computer onto
> that disk and put them onto my new computer. This at leasts puts me at
> a dos prompt. I tried typing fdisk/mbr at the c and the a prompts, but
> the computer either doesn't recognize them or it doesn't change
> anything. There is no windows directory at c, so I can't really run
> anything. People have told me to get a win98 boot disk, but I don't
> have one / know how to make one. What should I do ??? I can't run
> windows, so I am really frustrated. If you've had this problem before,
> please give me a detailed solution.
>  THANKS, Sam

Ok, I think what is happening is that the autoexec.bat or config.sys on
your C: drive have the partition magic running.  If that is not true,
1. Can you get into Safe Mode for windows when booting?
2. If not, the next thing to try is to make a copy of your msdos.sys on
your C drive.  You'll probably need to run attrib -r -s -h msdos.sys to
make it visible in DOS before you can copy it.  Then edit msdos.sys and
change the parameter for bootGUI to 1 (one) (I'm not sure the correct
name of the parameter).  Then try to boot from the hard drive.
3. If it's a brand new system, you should be able to reinstall or
restore Win from a CD included with the system.  This should wipe out
everything.  Then, make the boot disks for Partition magic and boot
magic.  Then try Linux again.

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