I recently switched from RedHat 6.1 to Mandrake 7.0 and tried installing
NetHack.  Before, I had to copy the files out of the tarball via
Midnight Commander (or else the permissions wouldn't work right),
instead of just doing a `tar xzvf nh330lin.tgz' while in the /
directory, as the README instructs.

Apparently Mandrake's security works differently than RedHat's.  When I
follow the same procedure for installing NetHack under Mandrake, I get
the following error when I try to play the game (and I'm logged in as a
user who is a member of the games group):

        NetHack, Copyright 1985-1999
                By Stichting Mathematisch Centrum and M. Stephenson.
                See license for details.
        perm_lock: Operation not permitted
        Cannot lock perm for unknown reason (1).

        Hit space to continue:

Thanks for any help with this.

---Norvell Spearman

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