
I use BB for the moment. It's easy to autostart apps, regardless which
windowmanager you use. Just edit the file called .xinitrc in your homedir to
start some processes in the background.

Let's say I'd like to start an xterm, an xosview and a netscape together with
blackbox, then my .xinitrc file would look like this:

  xterm &
  xosview &
  netscape-communicator &  #or whatever the command is

As you can see, all commands except blackbox start in the background. At least
one program must run in "foreground", otherwise the script will terminate.

Read the apropriate man-pages (man startx) for more info.

On Feb 27 Paul Hendrick wrote:

> Is there anyone who uses the BlackBox window manager, who can tell me 
> how to autorun applications, when BB is started?
> TIA.


Rial Juan                  <http://nighty.ulyssis.org>
                e-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Belgium            tel:              (++32) 89/856533
ulyssis system admininstrator <http://www.ulyssis.org>
Unix IS user-friendly. It's just not ignorant-friendly
or idiot-friendly.


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