On Fri, 04 Apr 2036, you wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Sevatio Octavio) wrote:
> > Finally, Real.com says that G2player V7 is due out within 30 days.  Wow,
> they must be taking linux seriously.
> > 
> > Check out the article at
> http://www.realnetworks.com/company/pressroom/pr/2000/rhlinux.html
> > 
> > Let's hope they develop a Netscape plugin for the embedded G2player.
> > 
> > Seve
> =============================================
> Let's also hope that this is NOT just a RH solution.  Will there be problems
> for Mandrake, Caldera, SuSE, Debian, or Slack users with installation??
> Mike

The current version works perfectly under Mandy6.1 so I doubt that there will
be problems with future versions.
Remember that Mandrake state that they are 100% compatible with Redhat and
hopefully this will continue to be correct.

BTW: I noticed that with the current version of RealAudio/Video that it tends
to grab about 999999999 ports so beware especially if your personal gateway is
a Windoze machine cause Windoze doesn't always release ports very well :-(.
In addition, for all concerned www.linuxnewbie.org have a very good explanation
on how to setup Netscape to start RealAudio automaticly whenever it encounters
a  relevent filetype.


Mike  (The Original one, and never to be duplicated Michael Perry).

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