Hi all,

First at all I am a Linux newbie...

I have some problems getting my SIS900 based network card to work.  Although
itīs listed in hardware compatibility list, Mandrake 7.02 does detect the
network card but didnt installed any drivers. I downloaded new drivers from
the sis homepage but when I try to install them with insmod I get an error "
compiled for kernel 2.2.x current is 2.2.14 pre 15 ". Do I really have to
compile the driver ?? Do I need the kernel sources for that ?? Does anybody
else got the sis900 cards to work ???

Thanx for any help...


Jens Schliesser
Software Engineering
EXCELSIS Informationssysteme GmbH
Eberhardstrasse 73 [Germany]
D-70173 Stuttgart

Mobil   +49-170- 5 77 76 13
Telefon +49-711-24 89 94 0
Fax     +49-711-24 89 94 29
Web     <http://www.excelsisnet.com/>

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