All I did was made an application icon on the desktop and where the name of the
program to be executed goes I wrote: "imwheel -k", clicked OK. Then I dragged
(ie. drag 'n' drop) this icon into the autostart folder icon on the desktop. It
worked. I now use IceWM as wm and KDM (for the sake of my family) to log in and
I can't figure out a way to automatically start it.


Alan Shoemaker wrote:

>'s how I do it:
> 1. Start Kedit (pencil & pad on the Panel)
> 2. Type in Kedit:  #! /bin/sh
> 3. Press Enter
> 4. Type in Kedit:  /usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel -k
> 5. Press Enter
> 6. Save file in Autostart directory & exit Kedit
> 7. Right click your new file in Autostart
> 8. Choose Properties then Permissions
> 9. Check User Exec
> 10. Restart the x-session
> Alan
> Eunice Thompson wrote:
> >
> > I'd like to have my wheel mouse start when I startx. Usually I've been
> > opening a terminal window and typing 'imwheel -k' and then everything works
> > OK.
> > I noticed the 'Autostart' folder and tried to put a link in there for the
> > imwheel, but when I restarted X , I received an error message stating there
> > was no executable for the program---where did I go wrong?
> >
> > Thanks for your help

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Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends (G. Bernard Shaw)

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