"German G. Sanchez Urrutia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> Has any one actually made this driver work? (I'm talking about the lucent T.
driver), I tried but my machine got all slowed down, then I tried to reserve
the modems resources using isapnp, when I got a combination of resources that
wouldn't give me a red (failed) sign then tried again with the driver, this
time it got all slowed down but only as long as kppp was running. Kppp find's
the modem when you issue a query modem command, but that's when everything
crashes (extremely slows down), and you get a modem time out message.
> Any suggestions will be appreciated
Just guessing here, but these devices are so experimental they're bound to
give you fits.  What kind of CPU are you using?  That's what's doing most of
the work here since software modems are not real modems.  If you can swing it,
I'd say get a real external modem and be done with the aggravation.
Just my $.02,

Michael Scottaline
Linux 2.2.13

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