Dear friends:

Thanks to the very special troubleshooting help of Jose M. Sanchez and
Ramon Gandia, I was finally able to isolate the problem. It turns out
that I needed to change the IRQ's for 3,4,5,7, 12 to Legacy ISA. I also
moved my modem to com2 and installed a new Microsoft PS/2-serial mouse
with a SINGLE LONG CORD as a SERIAL mouse on com 1. It seems to have
done the trick. I have tested it by rebooting a good number of times,
using many applications, etc. and everything at last is back to normal. 

My thanks again to Jose and Ramon. I spent the entire weekend trying to
figure this out and was about to pull my hair out.

Thanks to everyone else who wrote it, too.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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