ken wrote:
> I can only assume I've grievously insulted the list by my ignorance.  Would
> someone be so kind as to answer (directly to free others from unneeded mail)
> what my sin has been?

I'm a newbie myself and brand-new to this list, so I can't answer your
question definitively. However, there are a number of reasons why one
may not get an answer:

1. Nothing written in the Subject line. I get too many messages to read
them all, so I scan for messages of interest. If there's no Subject, I
skip it.

2. Something stupid written in the Subject line. Examples: newbie,
Help!, Linux... well, you get the idea.

3. You have a problem for which no one has a solution.
Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
Getting where I want to be with Corel Linux

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