There are a number of fixes between 7.0 and 7.02 that are listed at:

        Some people reported problems using/installing 7.0 but those problems
disappeared in 7.02. I've had problems trying to get 7.0 to recognize my
NIC and soundcard, and I ordered 7.02 so I HOPE it will clear those up.


jeff wrote:
> I just received 7.0 for linux mall for a buck 98, but now I see folks
> talking about 7.2.
> Is there a large difference, something I should be concerned about?
> Also a bit off subject, but some told me about 3d labs is going to have
> a new product that is supposed to shoot the stock through the roof. I
> have watch the stock and it has gone up a good bit. Does anyone know
> what it is?
> Jeff

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