I just installed Mandrake 6.5 on a second machine (looking forward to
seeing how it does on a Netware LAN), but the X display is chopped up
into somewhat large blocks.

I found my monitor in the displayed list. I told it my card has 2 meg
RAM (I'm pretty sure that's right), and I told it to display at
800x600 and 16 bits, since that's what I use in Win 98.

Do you have suggestion? Should I change something in XF86Config?

BTW, I was disappointed not to find joe, the only console editor I
know how to use. What do you suggest for Q&D editing of config files?
If you say something like vi, please tell me how to display the Help
(it does have Help, doesn't it?) or how to save and exit.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

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