Pretty much the same way you got on it.  You should have received a message
almost exactly like the following when you joined this list:

Welcome to the Cooker List.

You just have been subscribed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

More information on

To unsubscribe send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put in the
subject :

unsubscribe newbie.

or go to the web page and unsubscribe via the web interface.

Mandrake Staff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To make your life less complicated, I suggest that you keep the confirmation
emails you receive when you join any list.  Every list I have ever subscribed to
has sent UNSUBSCRIBE instructions with its confirmation.  This list is no

Good luck,


"Chris Story" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/23/2000 06:52:42 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Bryan Moorehead/Link/Allied Holdings)
Subject:  [newbie] How do I get off this damn list???


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