On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Joerg Reinhardt wrote:
Hi, everybody

I do not know what was it that actually upset Joerg (sorry, I cannot
follow ALL the conversation), but I think I am
right when I say that we prefere to be HELPFUL than RUDE here. .-)  



Hi, Joerg,

Some questions on posted here may sound stupid, but they are posted
because the poster does not know the answer. The worse problem is usually
that those who have a problem sometimes have difficulties explaining what
the problem is in such terms that those who know the answer actually
understand the question :-)

Anyway, the main thing is: This is a (mandrake-linux) community run
mailing-list, and linux (in particular:mandrake) comunity is famous for
beeing friendly, helpfull AND straightforward.

Problem with efficience and straighforwardnes is that it sometimes sounds
quite rude. For instance, your present letter has been written with some
funny e-mail agent that does not produce normal ASCII e-mails per default,
and I am quite sure some of the people feel tempted to yell:

 "You idiot, check "send ASCII only so we can quote your message!!!" 

Actually, Gael does the same thing on our internal mailing-lists, and he
actually got such a response from one of the developers this morning :-)).  


Of coarse, one gets easily annoyed when someone does the same
"mistake" over-and-over again, or when all of the sudden 20 new users yell
the same thing day-after-day withouth reading the documentation or
browsing the mailing lists first... 

However, even if someone does yell at you here, it is usually just showing
that he wants to have your full attention (yes, it is a sign of a bad
temper, too :-), rather than anything else, so try to ignore the form and 

And, do not forget: we are generally a bunch of well-intended and friendly
people here, and I hope you will notice this by yourself when you post
your next question.


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