[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joerg Reinhardt) wrote:
> Pleas, help me someone with Kmail,
> i realy like it, cause Editor and Reader are much better than the ones
> of Netscape Navigator, but I'm getting crazy with the
> send-mail-funktion! I don't know wheter I sended something or not, cause
> it says in a message box:"messages correctly sent", but it dont moves
> them to the sent-folder, so each time I'm using "send waiting messages"
> I either send all messages I've ever written (as you might allready
> discovered by looking in your in-mail-folder. sorry for that), or I
> don't send any. I'm not shure about that, cause sending, is going much
> to fast for my expection and I sendet a few messages to my other e-mail
> account, wich didn't arrive.
> At least some of the messages I sendet with Kmail, are in the Newbie
> list, but none of them testmessages I sent to myself arrived.
> Any hint?
> Is it possible, that the Kmail-agent is slower then the Netscape one, so
> that I just have to wait longer?
> Is there maybe a compatibilyti-problem between Kmail and some Providers?
Suggestion:    Why not use smtp instead of sendmail.  You can do this isn
setup.  Check the smtp radi button instead of sendmail, and put in the
approrpriate info for you isp (usually smtp.<isp>.de in your case).

Michael Scottaline
Linux 2.2.13

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