On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Lane Lester wrote:

lleste >So is it possible that these Linuxes are interfering with each other in
lleste >some way? The boot process certainly looks like the three are
lleste >independent, and the X interface is unique to each.  However, I do see
lleste >in the Mandrake boot (dmesg stuff) repeated errors that say
lleste >/boot/System.map has incorrect kernel version."

i ran corel and mandrake and beos at the same time for a while.  i used
mandrake's /boot to boot it all.

what i had to do to get it workin was copy the kernel from corel to
mandrake's /boot and edit lilo.conf to point to that kernel when loading

try that, and the same for any other distributions you have.


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