I recently got my modem to work in Linux!  

Unfortunately I am able to access my ISP only when logged on at 'root'.  I
think the problem is that my user account does not have access to the
'pap-secrets' file that I need in order to log on.  Do I have to change the
permissions on that file?  Or do I have to create a second file?

Finally, I have noticed that the programs available to me in my user account is
smaller than those availabe to me in the root account.  And I do not mean
important programs... just minor things like KDE World Watch.  Is there some
quick, painless way to have these programs added to my user account?

And (final question), I have been trying very hard to figure out how to change
the programs that are available on the bottom panel... but I have been unable
to figure out how to do this.  I can remove them easily but adding them has
eluded me.  Can anyone help?  Thank you very much!

Elvis Dieguez

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