On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, David Odin (aka DindinX) wrote:

>   If you want your sig to change from time to time, put this script to your
> crontab:
> --------------------
> #!/bin/bash

Thanx David,
do you have another suggestion? thats nice but sometimes i also want
to put my name to my sig 
(maybe i have to 'tweak' my signature files on send-hook :)

and for friends, i want to share a little about fortune.
if you want to read fortune every time you log to the console, put this
lines to your /etc/profile :

/usr/games/fortune #or else, use 'whereis fortune' to locate it.

and if you want to see fortune every time you open terminal just put
"ls" to the shortcut, i.e:
konsole -ls
aterm -ls
xterm -ls

for optional display of fortune, $ man fortune

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.
                -- Mark Twain

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