Raymond Wells wrote:
> Still trying to connect to Cable internet. Mandrake 7 found NICs for
> eth0 and eth1
> Have input ip, host, domain, gateway and namesserver info but on startup
> I get message "starting http  .....  failed"  this is the only failure
> message in startup...I am then told it "cannot activate local host name
> ....." do something with "Server Name directive ...."  info scrolls past
> pretty quickly.
> Any help to get this machine connected would be much appreciated..
> thanks
> Ray Wells


Do all of the checks that I gave you in my first reply and to be sure
that you entered your network information correctly please do the

1. Click on Linuxconf icon.
2. Click on Networking button.
3. Click on Basic host information button.
4. Select the Host name tab.
5. Give your computer a name.
6. Click on the Adaptor 1 tab.
7. under IP address, enter the IP address that the cable modem people
gave to
8. Under Netmask enter the subnet mask that the cable people gave to
9. Under Net device enter eth0. (This is the card that connects to your
10. Under Kernel Module enter the module that your eth0 card uses.
11. Click on the Adaptor 2 tab (2)
12. Repeat steps 7 - 10 for this adapter.  Remember that your 2nd
should have a unique IP address.  It SHOULD NOT BE THE SAME AS eth0. 
Also its
Net Device should be eth1. and be sure to click in the "Enabled" box.
13. Click the Accept button.
14. On the Network configurator form click the Name Server Specification
15. Put your DNS numbers in the "Nameserver 1" and "Nameserver 2" boxes.
16. put your domain name in the "search domain 1" box. example
17. Click the accept button.
18. Click on the Routing and gateways button.
19. Click on the defaults button.
20. Enter your Default gateway's IP address as supplied by your cable
21. Click on the accept button.
22. Click the Quit button on the Routes to other networks form.
23. Click on the Quit button on the Network configurator form.
24. Click the Quit button on the Linuxconf form.
25. A "Status of the system" dialog box will come up.  Click on Activate
changes button.
26. After the Linuxconf dialog box goes away you may still need to get
eth1 card going.  There is a way to do it without rebooting but
works if you don't know how (I don't.).  :-)

Watch the messages as you reboot to ensure that BOTH cards come up.


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