1) tar xvf gnome-chess-0.2.2.tar
which should create a directory, more than likely gnome-chess-0.2.2 or
2) cd to the newly created directory
3) look for some docs like README or INSTALL 
4) read the docs and hopefully it will inform you how to install
the gnome-chess-0.2.2


On Sun, 30Jan 2000, root

> Hello everybody!!!  What 's going on?
> First of all  sorry for my horrible English.I'm a new linux user from
> Spain,and I'm having a lot of problems in order to install  Linux
> programs.
> How can I install "tar" files?
> I'm trying to install Gnome Chess,which contains a file called "gnome
> -chess-0.2.2.tar"

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