> William Howenstine wrote:
> I just subscirbed to this newletter and i am wondering i am currently
> running on Windows.And i am wondering when i switch over will i have
> to re do everything and config. the sound card and the modem?And i am
> newbieish and i play games alot so would Linux be 4 me?I play games
> Use ICQ big into MP3's.So would Linux Be the OS for me or should i
> stick with Windows?
>                                                        -Will

Currently there are a lot more professional games written for Windows
then for Linux.  Linux is also currently harder to configure.

Both these issues are being addressed and great strides are being made
in both areas.  There are ICQ-like programs that run under linux.  I use
ICQnix which has the look and feel of the Windows ICQ but it is still in
beta form and does not have all of the features as it's Windblows
counter part.  As far as MP3s go there is a very impressive MP3 player
that comes with Linux called XMMS.  It looks and sounds as good as
anything I have seen under Windows.

If I were you, I would either wait a few years until Linux is main
stream or do a duel boot so that I could boot into Windblows when I
wanted to play games that I couldn't find for Linux.

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