On Mon, 31 Jan 2000, you wrote:
> I get to work this morning, reboot my Linux box and get the following at the
> login prompt:
> Jan 31 08:38:54 babylon kernel: eth0: Transmit timed out: status 0000  0090 at
> 0/12 command 0001a000.
> I press enter and can log in as usual.  However, I must admit that I get a
> little uneasy when weird messages start popping up
> without a know cause.
> Network is fine, I can telnet, ftp.  Samba is fine.  All seems to be well except
>  for this message.
> Any ideas?
> My work box is a P-100, 64mb RAM, IntelPro100 NIC if that helps
It seems that at some point since you last logged in, the
ethernet card lost the connection, at least temporarily...

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