I pulled the following off the Red Hat site.  It's based off of a 1.6 GIG HD and
I'm guessing a 32M memory.  If they say use that much for /, I'm not gonna
argue(they built the distro):

The Server-Class Installation
A server-class installation is most appropriate for you if you'd like your
system to function as a Linux-based server, and you don't want to heavily
customize your system configuration. 
What Does It Do?
If you choose not to partition manually, a server-class installation removes ALL
existing partitions on ALL installed hard drives, so choose this installation
class only if you're sure you have nothing you want saved! When the installation
is complete, you'll find the following partitions: 
A 64MB swap partition. 
A 256MB partition (mounted as /). 
A partition of at least 512MB (mounted as /usr). 
A partition of at least 512MB (mounted as /home). 
A 256MB partition (mounted as /var). 
        Intel: A 16MB partition (mounted as /boot) in which the Linux kernel and
related files are kept. 
        Alpha: A 2MB partition (mounted as /dos) in which the MILO boot loader
is kept. 
This approach to disk partitioning results in a reasonably flexible filesystem
configuration for most server-class tasks. 
        Please Note: You will need approximately 1.6GB of free disk space in
order to perform a server-class installation. 

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