I have tried several ways to get my Intel PRO/100+ Management Adapter to work in Linux-Mandrake 7.0(the downloaded version) and I have had no success.

I downloaded the Linux drivers for my NIC from Intel's web site and followed the instructions to install it, but I keep getting eth0 initialization [failed] at boot up.  i have tried editing /etc/conf.modules and /etc/sysconf/hwconf to reflect the new drivers but that did not work.  The newly installed drivers DO NOT show up in Lothar, and Lothar and Linux show the card as a different model with incorrect I/O port and IRQ settings then what Win98 shows the card at....all other devices show settings identical to what Win98 Device Manager shows(my sound card and video card).

How can I install the drivers if Intel's instructions do not work for Linux-Mandrake?

Intel says to extract the files from the tar.gz file...
Goto the /scr directory that will be created and run 'make'...(this creates the modules file 'e100.o')
After that test the modules with insmod e100.o...
Install the modules with 'make install'...
Load the modules by running 'modprobe e100'...

They say the modules should install and work immediately.

If there is different way please let me know?  How can I get the driver to show up in Lothar?

I need a response soon, please help!So sayth the Zorch!

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