I think what you've done is great and shouldn't be undone!  Logging in as a user and *only* using root priv's when necessary.  You may not like the process, but it's the right thing to do --> anyway, I don't know how to undo 'paranoid security'.
----- Original Message -----
From: Foung Vang
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 5:48 PM
Subject: [newbie] Sciruty Level = Paranoid

I set the security level to Paranoid during installation and now I can't log in as root.  How do I change it so I can login as root?  I can su to root, but I prefer logging in as root.
Also, I cann't start X-Window as a normal user unless I su and then type startx.  Only then will X-Windows work.
How do I make it so all users can start X-Windows without having to su?

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