Thats just plain wicked :)
I never had any problems with ftp/http downloads in linux, winblows on
the other hand is a pain in the ace!

let me think about this one, sounds realy wierd seeing they both go out
the internet nic, that is win98 traffic comes to the linux box on nicB
and goes to the net on nicA, and the reverse for return traffic in nicA
out nicB to win98. while linux traffic should be directional through



Ryan Drafall wrote:
> "Ronald J. Yacketta" wrote:
> > are you downloading from a winblows box through a dualhomed linux
> > box?
> > if so you might be haveing a ip masq problem (or lack of a ip masq)
> >
> > Ron
> >
> > David Panama wrote:
> > >
> > > I dont know why did I recieve this massage?
> > > Any way I cant help?
> > >
> > > David E. Panama
> > > Ambassador
> > > ----Original Message Follows----
> > > From: Ryan Drafall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Subject: [newbie] can't fully download...
> > > Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 07:19:36 -0600
> > >
> > > Hello fellow Linux users,
> > >      I've just found out that I'm not able to fully download
> > anything
> > > from the Internet.  For instance, I tried downloading an MP3
> > yesterday
> > > and the download windows just closed at about 10%!!!  Whenever I
> > try to
> > > download anything, it does the same thing!  Any suggestions?
> > >
> > > --
> > > ####################
> > >      Ryan Drafall
> > >    gAIM S/N: Twygg1
> > >   Linux 2.2.14-15mdk
> > > ####################
> > >
> > > ______________________________________________________
> > > Get Your Private, Free Email at
> Yes, I'm running a dual-boot win98se and linux machine.  When
> downloading from the exact same site on a windows session, it
> downloads perfectly but doesn't even complete half-way on a linux
> session.  If you need any more info, please ask.  Thanks.
> --
> ####################
>     Ryan Drafall
>   gAIM S/N: Twygg1
>  Linux 2.2.14-15mdk
> ####################

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