type "mount /dev/hardware_device /a/directory" as root to mount something.
The CD-ROM would command would most likely be "mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom" for
you, and for floppys it's "mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy". As for the CDR, I've
seen several different hardware ID's for it, mine personally is sr0 but I"ve
seen stuff like hdc too. Look in /var/log/dmesg and see if you cant' spot in
there what Linux calls your CDR. And from your "input/output error", were you
trying to mount a music CD? Those don't mount under Linux, just use a CD-Player
app to play them, under "Multimedia" in both Gnome and KDE. 

> I recently installed Linux Mandrake 7.0 (Deluxe) on my PII 300.  The
> installation went smoothly.  I configured the partitions, printer, modem,
> and dialup connection.  The problems begin when I boot into Linux.  The KDE
> loads fine, and all the programs seem to work..
> However, when I want to access my CD Rom drive or my Floppy, I begin to get
> errors.  I have tried several mount commands (as recommended by #linuxhelp
> on EFNet), but have had no success.  I have two CD Rom drives: a HP CD
> Burner (master) and a MITSUMI (slave).
> Since I am new to Linux, I have absolutely no clue about what to do about
> getting these things working.  Sometimes I get "bad command" and
> "Input/Output error."  It seems to me that if I installed Linux from a CD
> Rom drive that it should be able to be read by Linux.

Anthony Huereca
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