Sam Roza wrote:
> I'm in need of some help with getting my Linux box to show up on my network.
> I'm really having a time with this.
> What software components or config changes need to be made for a linux
> machine to show up on a windows/TCP/IP network? Is there a specific protocol
> necessary to go cross-platform?
> Thank you for your help.
> Sam Roza
> P.S.--please don't reply with stuff like "turn all of your windows machines
> into linux machines and you won't have any problems", that will not be
> helpful. Hope that doesn't offend

I haven't had any problems with my win and linux boxes and seeing
drives.  Just use samba on the linux box.  Be SURE that when you set it
up that you have them in the same workgroup.  Type everything in lower
case in samba when you configure it, even though it's in caps in
windows.  I haven't tried to setup specific users on windows or linux to
see specific things or have special logins.  When you connect from a win
box to linux you'll be asked for a password.  This is NOT root (ever?). 
It will put you into whatever that user can see and how you setup what
is browsable etc in samba.  Eventually, I'll want specific users too,
but this should give you a start.

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