I  have  Yamaha YMF-724 PCI sound card. The only way to make that card
work in linux is using OSS driver from Open Sound System.
But i have a problem when I try to install that driver:

1. I  have  an error message during install about kernel incompatibility,
   and  refer  to  OSS  documentation,  I  must recompiling my kernel and
   enable  "CONFIG_MODVERSIONS"  using  "make" command. But when I try to
   type that command, linux said that make comand is not available. And I
   was confuse too about how to enable CONFIG_MODVERSIONS in Mandrake.

2. Still from the OSS documentation, I must do the following step:
         rm /usr/src/linux/include/linux/modversions.h
         rm..... bla... bla... bla...
   And I can't find the "/usr/src/linux" directory on my hardisk.

Is  there  someone  can help me why "make" command and "usr/src/linux"
directory   isn't  available..???  or  maybe  I  forget  something  in
installation procedure...??

Thanks in advance.....

 <-- XE -->

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