what does the top of that install script look like?
the #! line?


better yet send the script (offline from the list) to me
and I wiill take a gander

Bryan Foster wrote:
> Hello-
> I have installed Mandrake-Linux 7.02 (AIR) and can not seem to get my NIC
> card to work. When I tried to set up the networking stuff my card was not
> listed. I tried with another and it didn't work. Finally I went to 3COMs web
> site and downloaded the correct drivers for my card. (I wont even tell you
> what I had to do to get it uncompressed..  needless to say I did manage to
> get it uncompressed and the contents into a temp directory on my desktop).
> Following the install instructions that came with the drivers I opened the
> terminal as root, changed to the directory with the drivers and typed in the
> following from the instructions:
> # ./install3c90x
> What I get is the following error:
> 'nknown option: `-
> USAGE: csh [ -bcdefilmnqstvVxX ] [argument... ]
> I have no idea what that means or what I am supposed to do to get these
> drivers installed. Any ideas out there? I'd really like to get this card
> working so that I can access the internet via my cable modem from Linux.
> That would make learning this stuff a lot easier since I wouldn't need to
> try something, write down whatever didn't work, log back into Windows, etc.
> Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
> Bryan

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