I am new to Linux Mandrake 7.0 but have had a fair amount of experience
with Slackware and Suse, which I use on dedicated Linux machines.

Howeve, I want to put a version of Linux on a Win 95 box and do not want
to use a UMSDOS system. I have tried using Lnx4win to create a Normal
installation on a 1.2GB root and a 64MB swapfile on a P200 with 64MB of
RAM . The installation itself was VERY slow, taking over 8 hrs to
complete from the CD. However, much worse than that, the Linux system
runs very slowly indeed as far as disc access is concerned, much slower
than a UMSDOS installation of Slackware which I have also tried.

I have tried using PHAT Linux which is, I believe, based on an earlier
version of Mandrake and it is much faster with disc accesses (an order
of magnitude or more). What do I need to do to speed Mandrake up to be
the same as PHAT?

Regards, Mike

 Mike Plummer.   Consultant Engineer,  Multimedia Systems Group
 Advanced Projects Group, Philips C.E. Redhill, Surrey UK RH1 5HA
 Phone: +44 (0)1293 81 5235            Fax: +44 (0)1293 81 5050
 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Mobile: +44 (0)7710 414068
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 Home email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 He was a wise man, that invented beer. Plato

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