On 12-Mar-2000 Lane Lester wrote:
> I keep trying to do various things at startup, and almost none of them work!
> People tell me what to put in what files, but it doesn't have any effect!
> I installed 7.0 with automatic startup of X, and now there seems to be no way
> to start at the console instead.
> 1. Typing "linux 3" at the lilo prompt doesn't do anything other than
> complain that it's not on the menu (I know that, I put "mx" and "mc" on the
> menu... but they both go to X, too.

It's 'linux init 3'

> 2. Changing inittab from id:5:initdefault: to id:3:initdefault:  doesn't do
> it, either.

> I want to run some programs at startup, but no one seems to be able to help
> me do this.  For example, I want to run xscreensaver, but putting the
> following in either .Xsession or .xinitrc in my home directory has no effect:
> xscreensaver &
> exec icewm
> I want to run ledcontrol before X starts, and someone suggested putting the
> command "ledd -d" in /etc/rc.d/rc.local, but that doesn't seem to work
> either.

What's this program meant to do?


> -- 
> Lane
> ____ 
> Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA
> Using Linux to get where I want to go...

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