Tom Berger wrote:

> On 11-Mar-2000 Patrick wrote:
> > I can't seem to get Mandrake 7 to find my modem without issuing the
> > command :/dev/ttyS3 autoconfig auto_irq  as root. Can I put this in a
> > startup script? If so then which one?  Any help is appreciated!
> >
> > Patrick
> Read 'man setserial'.
> tom
> --
> "No fun, no gain"
> Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work)

On my 7.02 box I use a diamond supra ISA V90 modem.  It is set up for PNP
and it configures itself for IRQ 05 and I/O 0x03e8.

At boot up I noticed that when com 1,2,and 3 are configured, com 3 is set
up for I/O 0x03e8 but with IRQ 04

I placed 'setserial /dev/modem port 0x03e8 irq 05 uart 16550a' in my
/etc/rc.d/rc.local file. Works just fine.

I was thinking about sending out an e-mail about this subject and if one
could change the way linux configures the com ports at boot up, but after
reading 'man setserial' all my questions were answered.

Linux has a pretty step learning curve, but the more I get into it, the
more I like it.

Later all,

                 \ ~ ~ /
                (\ @ @ /)

Name:    Gary K Stinnett Jr

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