The answer is: Partition Magic...

Alex Kirkovsky
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 9:26 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Drive Full?!? (please respond this time)

Okay: I understand about the types of partitions that I have to have.. but right now.. I have a Windows partition that is like 26068 MB (or something close to that) and then I have a 15MB empty partition.. that's all.. and it doesn't allow me to resize my Windows partition without deleting it. I just got this computer from Gateway like a week ago and it's a powerhouse system with full Linux compatibile components..
-Kyle "Orange" Spahn
Freespace 2 Coordinator
Lead Reviewer
Descent Chronicles -
GameLordz Network -
Summoner Homeland -
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Drive Full?!? (please respond this time)

Your boot partition MUST be before 1024 cylinder..
Reorganize your partition something like that:
1. WinXX (if you have one)
2. Linux boot partition (starting from cylinder < 1024) Size: ~30MB
3. WinXX (if you want to have more space for Windoze) Size: up to you
4. Linux swap partition, Size: up to you
5. Linux root partition, Size: up to you
So, the ONLY important point here is No.2

Alex Kirkovsky
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, March 12, 2000 8:16 PM
Subject: [newbie] Drive Full?!? (please respond this time)

Hey Everyone,
    I keep trying to partition my hard drive so I can use Linux, but when I do so, it says that the last cylinder of my drive is full. So it thinks my entire drive is filled up, which it isn't. I have a 27.3 GB Hard Drive which I've maybe used 5 GB of. It's definitely not full! I need help!!! PLEASE!
-Kyle "Orange" Spahn
Freespace 2 Coordinator
Lead Reviewer
Descent Chronicles -
GameLordz Network -
Summoner Homeland -

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