Larry C wrote:
> I started several weeks ago with the idea in my mind that I would
> install this Linux thing to play around with but surely not get serious
> about. Now I find myself dreading the thought of booting back into a dos
> environment (should put some sort of warning about this on the CD
> somewhere). My problem is one of improper disk space allocation for my
> new OS of choice. What I would like to do is change the directory
> structure so as to enable me to add more partitions (I have partition
> magic and can easily reformat from fat32 into ext2) to my existing Linux
> setup while at the same time preserving some sort of logical and
> accepted order without wiping out the last few weeks of work. I have no
> problems juggling things on the dos end to free up more space for Linux
> but on the Linux end I am (obviously) confused. If anyone could point me
> in the right direction (tutorials, how-to's, etc) I will be forever
> grateful.
> Larry C

If you just want to add a new partition, go ahead and make it.  If it's
a primary partition, it's named something like hda1,2,3 or 4.  Extended
partitions start at 5.  Since you are adding the partition after the
fact, you should know that DOS/Win looks at the ORDER of the partitions
on the disk(s) and whether they are primary or extended/logical for
name.  Linux looks at the order they were CREATED on the disk(s) within
the primary and extened/logical.

If you create a new logical partition before another logical partition
on a disk, DOS would name the new one before the old one (C-Z).  If for
example you had primary C and logical D in DOS, then split up D into two
partitions with the new empty one first, your old D would be E.  Messes
up everything in DOS/Win.  DOS/Win can't see linux partitions, so you
wouldn't mess it up adding one.

Linux would name the new one after the ones (5-N) so that any new
partitions have a new name and the old ones aren't changed.  You don't
have the same problem you would in DOS with programs knowing where
something is.  For example, you have C-DOS primary (hda1), Linux Primary
(hda2), D-DOS logical (hda5 if you mount it in linux), linux logical
(hda6), Linux Swap (hda7).  You change D to be two partitions, one linux
first and one DOS.  In DOS you would still have D since it can't see the
linux partition.  In linux, you would have a new hda8 that is the one
before hda5, 6 and 7.

C primary - hda1
linux primary - hda2
D logical - hda5
linux logical - hda6
swap - hda7

C primary - hda1
linux primary - hda2
linux logical - hda8  <--new partition
D logical - hda5
linux logical - hda6
swap - hda7

If linux doesn't detect the new partition when you boot, you might have
to use mknod to create the device in /dev and mkdir to create a mount
point.  To find the info you need for mknod, at a command prompt (as
root) enter:

ls -alk /dev/hda*

Look for the major/minor numbers for your partitions on the drive.  For
major = 5 for all partitions.  Minor = 1 for hda1, 2 for hda2 etc.  If
you needed to create a device for hda8, then enter:

cd /dev
mknod hda8 b 5 8

Make the mount point you want:

mkdir /mnt/hda8

Format the partition:

mke2fs -c /dev/hda8

Then mount the partition and use it.  You'll probably want to add it to
fstab, so edit /etc/fstab and copy a line for a partition that is like
it and change it's dev and mnt to what you need.  If you made a primary
partition, then it would be hda1-hda4.  You'll have to change the
names/major/minor to match your system.

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