Just out of curiosity...what is your stance on L O N G sig files...and also
the PGP encrypting (and subsequent display of the PGP coding) of list posts?
Are they really needed?
my .02 worth

Denis Havlik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, folks
> I would appreciate it if all the postings on our mailing lists would be
> plain old ASCII. I can see absolutely no need for html/word/attachements,
> and in particular no need for any executeable files in our mailing lists. 
> I could enforce this, but I am not particularily keen on enforcing
> anything, and I hope this e-mail might help a bit. 
> As you can see below that I am not really concerned about this stupid
> but mailing list is suposed to be there for you to exchange infos and have
> a nice conversation. Speciall formating, attachements etc. just make the
> volume of the traffic bigger, withouth adding any new informations.
> Signal/noise ratio on mailing lists is always rather low, do not make it
> even worse.
> By the way, those of you who post in html, with attachements or anything
> else except plain old ASCII should be surprised if they ever see an reply
> from me or any other Mandrake employee. Except maybe Gael. 
> Yours
>       Denis Havlik
> ...
> :~>   Attached to one of his postings was something called "pretty park.exe" 
> :~>I did *not* open the attachment!
> Yes, I have seen it. Is this a big deal? I mean, it was rather obvious (at
> least to me) that this is a virus, so WTH? It is not as if it would have
> been hidden or anything.
> I COULD check all incomming mail for virii (AWFULLY SLOW!!!!), or forbid
> attachements, but it does not seam to make much sense at the moment. 
> If I get pissed off someday, I will forbid attachements on the list.
>  -- 
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Mag^H^H^HDr. Denis Havlik  <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
> Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Austria                (@ @)       tel: (++431) 4277/51179         
> -------------------oOO--(_)--OOo---------------------

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