Okay, one more time. You should not just blindly add the line 'append="128M"
' to lilo.conf. You need to test it first. To test it, when linux first
boots you will have a boot: prompt.
-Type at the prompt linux mem=128M
-This sets the RAM manually for this session (until you reboot only)
-When I did this I achieved kernel panic, so I rebooted and tried mem=127M &
this worked fine.
-I now went to lilo.conf and added the line append=mem="127M" & rebooted
-When I rebooted it still only recognized 64MB of RAM
-What I discovered was that I already had an append line in lilo.conf
'append="ide=scsi" for my CD burner. Linux only recognizes one append line
in lilo.conf
-I edited this line to read 'append="ide=scsi mem=127M" ' & rebooted and all
is well.

                        ---Mark Irving---

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Scottaline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2000 6:55 AM
Subject: Re: [[newbie] Ram Problems]


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