Hmm, well I have v7.0 so I'm not sure.. Maybe I'll look on it and see.. When
I try installing LICQ that I got from the website it sure says it needs 2.0.2
:) But thanks for the tips..


KompuKit wrote:

> not sure what version of mandrake you have...but 7.02 comes with LICQ
> you just have to install it from the CD...there is also QT on the CD...
> you don't neccessarily NEED qt2.02. I have LICQ on my machine...and it
> works fine.
> except for perhaps...sending allows over any amount of
> charcters...but you must first maximize the send window.
> bosco wrote:
> >
> > Greetings all,
> >
> > I am very pleased to say that I am getting ALOT better at Linux.. I
> > recently installed qt 2.0.2 over the 1.44 that was on here and was
> > unable to boot into KDE.. Soo, I uninstalled 2.0.2 and reinstalled
> > 1.44... Good job I say cause now I can boot into KDE which I o-so-love..
> > :)
> >
> > But here's my question, I want to run LICQ and need qt2.0.2 so what do I
> > do.. Thanks for any help.. I'm about to track down what I can to help..
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > bosco().
> --
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> <========KompuKit=========>

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