
Here's an interesting one for you.. I needed to try that mem=xxxx b/c I
was running with only 65 when really i have 192.. So here's the deal..
I run Linux on my second hard drive and consequently have LILO on that

Well I use Bootmagic to choose between Linux and Windows.. When I boot
to Linux it then boots LILO and goes straight to kernel loading.. I had
once before been able to add the command to make it wait but was unable
to recently..

I read in the Lilo manual it was delay=xxxx... then I saw in someone
else's lilo.conf they had timeout=xxx... either way neither one of them
worked.. But, I added mem=192M to the append line ( after I had tested
it of course ) and that gets recognized?!?! Any ideas? Is LILO being
selective in what it accepts from me.. LOL..



( at any rate all is well and working like I wanted, but I was
nonetlheless still curious.. )

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