I have said it before and I will say it again.  The more I use Linux, the
more I dread going back to Windoze.  UNfortunately I have a Windows
printer (GUI) and it WILL NOT work under Linux.  I have thought about
gewtting VMWare but cannot afford to buy the license for version 2 which I
need because of my video card.  ALso, I am still a bit of a gamer and I
need Windows for this.
I also have a Windows TV tuner (box) for my Asus GeForce.  Any one know of
a way I can get this running under the Penguin?


  On Thu, 17 Apr 2036, you wrote:
> Wayne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Mike,
> > I amended my lilo.conf file and put in the 128M bit.  Worked like a charm, I
> can now open more windows, run more apps, and to more stuff that before
> > without the speed of my mcahine suffering.  
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Wayne
> =====================================
> That's GREAT Wayne!!  You're most welcome.  Next time you see such a request
> for assistance, just pass it on!!  Isn't Linux GREAT???
> Mike
> "Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol
> than alcohol has taken out of me."
>       --Winston Churchill
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Wayne Petherick
Criminology Department
Bond University

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