Hi, folks

I would appreciate it if all the postings on our mailing lists would be
plain old ASCII. I can see absolutely no need for html/word/attachements,
and in particular no need for any executeable files in our mailing lists. 
I could enforce this, but I am not particularily keen on enforcing
anything, and I hope this e-mail might help a bit. 

As you can see below that I am not really concerned about this stupid
but mailing list is suposed to be there for you to exchange infos and have
a nice conversation. Speciall formating, attachements etc. just make the
volume of the traffic bigger, withouth adding any new informations.

Signal/noise ratio on mailing lists is always rather low, do not make it
even worse.

By the way, those of you who post in html, with attachements or anything
else except plain old ASCII should be surprised if they ever see an reply
from me or any other Mandrake employee. Except maybe Gael. 

        Denis Havlik

:~>     Attached to one of his postings was something called "pretty park.exe" 
:~>I did *not* open the attachment!

Yes, I have seen it. Is this a big deal? I mean, it was rather obvious (at
least to me) that this is a virus, so WTH? It is not as if it would have
been hidden or anything.

I COULD check all incomming mail for virii (AWFULLY SLOW!!!!), or forbid
attachements, but it does not seam to make much sense at the moment. 
If I get pissed off someday, I will forbid attachements on the list.
Mag^H^H^HDr. Denis Havlik  <http://www.ap.univie.ac.at/users/havlik>
Mandrakesoft            |||     e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Austria                (@ @)       tel: (++431) 4277/51179         

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